Brrrrr.... it was a chilly night and a cold start to the day! Glancing over to tent city through the windows of the RV this morning made us thankful for the decision to upgrade our living quarters. We had an early start to the day, up around 5:30 am to be prepared for the race's 8:00 am start time.

Geared up and warmed up, ready for Day 2.
Blaine and Ted with our gracious hosts, Bob and Barb Shaunessy, the owners of K2 Ranch.
In position in the starting line for stage 2.

Today will be the toughest day both physically and mentally for Blaine and Ted, please leave your comments with words of encouragement for them! They need to know that you are behind them, and it was one of the first things asked when they got off the trail yesterday! They have 10 hours to complete this portion of the race. Today is 74 km and over 3,813 m of climbing. They enter the Rocky Mountains today, yesterday's route took them through the Purcell Mountain Range. This is the point that 20% of the riders will drop out of the race.
We have met teams from Australia, Italy, Switzerland, all over the US, New Zealand, Japan and England. Be proud of your local boys!!
Go Canadian boys! You are our Olympics and making us proud!!!
You might need a snow plow yet if it keeps snowing - watch out Jeff!
Mom & Bill
Go, go, go Blaine and Ted, you have a lot of folks routing for you and we know you can do it!
Mom Meury
Sending positive vibes to you guys over the Rocky Mountains from Canmore! Enjoy the finish line at Nipika - make sure to get those legs into the chilly Kootneay for a soak! All the best guys!!!
We're rooting for you guys! Good luck and stay safe and most importantly, enjoy the experience!!
Allison & Craig
we are all rooting for you guys ... i dont know how you guys are doin it . im having a cold beer right now thinking of ya Blainsey. Make sure you are good for the 24 hr race in 2 weeks . Good luck boys.
WOW I can't believe how intense it is. Way to go! What an awesome experience. It is so amazingly beautiful. Hang in there we know you can take this one and show them what some true Burlington boys are made of! I can't wait to see more. Then you can make your way to Hawaii for some R&R:) Thinking of you guys. Love ya
Trisha, Matt, Andrew, Abby & Ashley
Wow...we are awestruck...the grueling task as well as the beauty of the region. You are definitely A-type personalities! You are in our daily thoughts and we wish you safety and success.
Mom McLeod
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