Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day 7- Blairmore to Fernie HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLAINE!

It is incredible to think that today is Day 7 of the Transrockies Race. We are proud beyond words of our team for their hard work and dedication and also for their sportsmanship. We have heard so many stories of Blaine and Ted alerting other teams of wrong turns, letting teams that made mistakes pass them and helping people along the way. This challenge has truly let their character and integrity shine. They have developed a reputation as outstanding athletes, but also as courteous and fair competitors.

Today also happens to be Blaine's 31st birthday. What a way to celebrate!

The race starts a little later today at 8:30 am so Blaine and Laura have walked over to pick up their bikes from the mechanic and enjoy the last few moments of relaxation prior to the start gun. Today's leg is 78.8 km taking the racers into the beautiful town of Fernie, BC. Mark, Laura and I have had several opportunities to stop in Fernie for errands along the way and we are looking forward to returning. The town has events planned all day in celebration of the Transrockies, a bike derby for the little kids, a BBQ in the afternoon and a huge welcome as the racers pull into town. Tonight is the Transrockies Finisher's Party with DJ and bar. We were told that last year's competitors managed to party until 11 pm before crashing!

More to follow!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys ! Can't believe this is your last day, those are nasty war wounds Ted ! Reminds me of Jenn LOL ! Stay safe, you are truly amazing ! Happy Birthday Blaine Karin & Tom

Anonymous said...

enjoy a few beers tonight you deserve it you guys are tough as nails way to go boys you did it

Mom Meury said...

Wish we could be at the finish line to give celebration cheers and birthday hugs to Blaine, but we know you're in good hands with Andrea, Laura and Mark. This has been one incredible adventure and we're so thankful to Andrea for taking us along for the ride. Great job team! Mom Meury

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys: Amazing Simply Amazing!!
Congrats to you both for such dedication, sportsmanship and also on such a succesful ride. Happy Birthday Blaine form all of us here.

Brioschi and Barson Families.

Anonymous said...

Praise to both riders but also to the amazing crew of Andrea, Mark & Laura. It was gruelling work for them and no picnic holiday. Living together in "very confined" quarters" sharing no secrets is not an easy thing to do. They all did an amazing job and I am so proud of them.
Andrea's blog kept everyone in touch and made us feel like we were there (fortunately not doing any hard work though!).
Being there in Fernie to watch the team cross the finish line was the icing on the cake to our week long vacation in the Rockies.
Congrats to the whole team!
Bill took some great pics at the finish line; hopefully we can get these posted to this as well.

Love Mom Betzold